Location: Tokyo, Japan.
Architect: Mio Tachibana.
Hinge House is a residential property located in a quiet neighborhood that caters to the needs of elderly people. Due to strict regulations, there are few shops in the area, and most people are elderly and stay at home during weekdays. The neighborhood has also experienced break-ins during the daytime. To address these issues, Hinge House was designed with a large open space where clients can play music, socialize with friends and relatives, and even rent out bedrooms as short-term lodging. The house was constructed using pre-cut roof beams connected with hinges, which allowed for easy assembly on-site. The ridge beam was also fastened to the hinges to withstand lateral force. The lattice works are closed at night, and the design incorporates traditional Japanese craftsmanship with contemporary refinement. The goal of Hinge House is to provide a safe and comfortable space for elderly clients to remain the lead character of their lives with the help of care persons.

Photo credit: Takumi Ota, Mio Tachibana Architects.