Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Architect: Samira Boon.
ArchiFolds, winner of the Creative Heroes Awards, is a series of textile structures inspired by traditional Japanese folding techniques. Developed by Studio Samira Boon in collaboration with TextileLab and Prof. T. Tachi from the University of Tokyo, the structures are extremely flexible in their use and possibilities. They can be folded and unfolded into different shapes, allowing for unique installations, re-use in different shapes and sizes, and easy transportation. The structures can incorporate various smart properties that allow them to adapt to their surroundings while retaining a soft and tactile appeal. The first concrete application of ArchiFolds has been at TheatersTilburg, where Samira Boon created a dynamic flexible environment, a so-called ‘open infrastructure’ as well as an eye-catcher representing the cultural programme of the theatre. The work bridges together science, technology and art.

Photo credit: Rene van der Hulst.