Location: Maspalomas, Spain.
Architect: Romera y Ruiz Arquitectos.
The Dunes of Maspalomas Special Natural Reserve is a valuable natural space on a global scale due to its unique sand dune field and high ecological importance. A project has been designed to restore and revitalize the garden, which covers 9 hectares and includes a waterway. The renovation works focus on creating a garden of botanical interest and upgrading the natural reserve and bird shelter. The aim is to transform the garden into a balanced ecosystem that can host a range of activities while minimizing maintenance requirements and energy consumption. Visitors will benefit from new pathways, educational signs, and sculptures. The fencing will be replaced with pigmented and textured prefabricated reinforced concrete sections arranged in different directions to create a dynamic scene. Three interconnected tracks will be added, including a soft track for maintenance, a reconditioned gravel and sand track, and an imprinted concrete track with accommodation areas and furniture. The third track will widen the fencing and include observation points with informational signs. The entrances will be opened and adapted for people with reduced mobility.

Photo credit: Simón García, Ariadna Martínez, Ángela Ruíz.