Location: Montreuil.
Date: 1976.
In 2016 the Est Ensemble conservatory in Montreuil, a prominent example of modern architecture in the 1960s, celebrated its 50th anniversary.
The Montreuil conservatory, formerly known as the National School of Music and Dance, was inaugurated on October 2, 1976. Its architect, Claude Le Goas, designed it in 1968, a year that stands out for all the right reasons. He is also responsible for the Mozinor industrial building in Montreuil.
This amazing structure won a prize in 1976 for the most beautiful steel construction project in France, which was judged by the Syndicat de la Construction Métalle de France. It also won a prize in 1977 at the European Convention on Steel Construction.
In fact, its architecture, which has honeycomb-like compartments and is reminiscent of a beehive, is a practical example of the Modern Movement’s tenet that form follows function.
Light shells with rounded shapes are delivered to a metal structure in thin sheets of metal coated with resin. Each music session can be held in a conducive environment because to the level of sound insulation provided by the shells’ independence from one another. Finally, the structure is a component of an urbanism on slab, in which a raising shields the pedestrian-only forecourt from oncoming traffic.