Location Tehran, Iran.
Architects: Fluid Motion Architects.
Tehran’s Kish Office Building is situated in a rectangular space of 25 by 39 metres. The project’s main volume, which has a building coverage of 25 x 25, is located on a northern lot of the property.
Due to the square shape of the office floors, an inner courtyard measuring 6.5 x 13.5 metres is constructed in the project, dividing it into the northern and southern units and allowing sunshine and free cooling for the central areas of the structure. Open offices are located inside the units.
In order for the units to be used independently (per the client’s desire), vertical circulation, toilets, and kitchenettes are arranged between the two halves.
The north and south walls of the courtyard are built as two folded surfaces with both transparent and opaque parts in order to block the direct view of the units to one another and also to control the unfavourable western sunlight. The areas facing east are glassy and see-through while those facing west are bricked and shuttered. The courtyard’s folded façade reduces glare in the internal areas and offers comfortable circumstances for users, particularly in the afternoons of the summer.
Each pixel of the primary façade produces a different image as the structure of the inner folded surfaces is projected onto the outer facades. As a result, the users’ vision of the outside world will be a collage-like composite of various representations of certain phenomena placed on one another.