Location: Bangkok, Thailand.
Architect: Aravia Design Limited.
Foreign investment has transformed the region into a settlement catering to foreign businessmen and workers, leaving little for the locals. The site, which used to be the staff quarter for the train station, is now clustered with dilapidated villas. The project aims to regenerate the area by relocating the staff quarter and offering a mix of programmes. A 6-storey residential building is proposed in the south to replace the villas and rejuvenate the nearby commercial street. In the north, another 6-storey building is proposed as a service apartment with a view of the nearby fields and training ground. In-between, 2 to 3-storey timber structure modules are arranged to form streets and squares with direct connection to the train station and parking. The modules combine to form a double-height internal shopping street with living units on the top overlooking the fields. Squares and piazzas of different scales facilitate interaction and appropriate separation among visitors, locals, and residents.