Location: Katowice, Poland.
Architect: BAAS arquitectura + Grupa 5 Architekci + Maleccy Biuro Projektowe.
The new Radio and TV department of Silesia University has been constructed on a vacant plot in Katowice, which includes an abandoned building that was initially planned to be demolished. However, the project has preserved the existing building and added an extension to it, while also constructing a lower height building in the interior block area. This has given prominence to the central courtyard, which is the key element for all social activities taking place around the studios and lecture rooms of the new university department. The design of the new building aims to be sensitive to the existing building’s aesthetics and takes advantage of its materiality and visual values. An abstract volume made out of a brick latticework has been built on top of the existing building, which follows the neighbour’s section. This new building fills up the whole plot and at the same time hollows a central courtyard, which has become the focal point for all social activities. The project has been designed in such a way that the visitor will ask themselves if the building has always been there. The new building has been constructed in a conservation area of Katowice, and the project has been successful in preserving the character of the old building while adding a modern touch to it. The central courtyard has become the heart of the new university department, and the project has been successful in creating a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Photo credit: AdriĆ Goula.