Location: Wroclaw, Poland.

Architect: Design Studio of W.P.I.P. Sp. z o.o. Sp. k..

The Smart HUB Nursery School Project in Wroclaw aims to create a unique learning environment and community gathering point by integrating architecture and landscape. The project includes a macrobiotic kitchen-hub that can prepare up to 3,500 high-quality, well-balanced meals per day, as well as offering special diets. The nursery school will also function as a playground and club house for children in the surrounding areas, offering various activities such as learning foreign languages, playing instruments, dancing, arts, and sports. The design of the project is based on a unifying and expanding concept that integrates the nursery school complex, nature, and modern society. The complex is organized as a permeable ring of nursery school units, grouped around a central outdoor space, a green atrium that fills the interiors with daylight and enables direct access to the roof via a winding ramp. Each unit has green wall panels designed with a Scandinavian lichen neutral for health, and direct access to the nursery school garden outside. The building is directly connected to a large interactive usable roof surface with sensory playground, an oval track, a nature observatory, educational stations, a garden for growing herbs and vegetables, a climbing wall, and a recreation area. The roof has access for physically handicapped children via a direct ramp from the atrium and a lift. These zones dissolve the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces, creating a diverse transitional zone for learning and physical activities, play, social interaction, and relaxation. The Smart HUB Nursery School Project in Wroclaw will have room for 300 kids in 12 units, a staff of over 30, divided into several professional groups, and outside users. The project includes advanced technology such as NCS (Nano Climate System), BMS (Building management system), SMART LIGHTING, RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES, and an INDIVIDUAL MOBILE APPLICATION WITH TELEMEDICINE. This concept of 3.0 Smart HUB Nursery School in Poland was awarded the “INNOVATION OF YEAR 2018” at the Smart City Forum in Warsaw (March 2019).