Location: Black Rock City, NV, United States.
Architect: John Marx, Architect.
2018 Burning Man event in Nevada, USA, was themed around the rich and symbolic nature of Metamorphoses. For the first time, the organizers held a design competition for the Man Base Pavilion, which was located at the center of Black Rock City and served as the cultural and symbolic focus of the event. The winning design aims to symbolize the journey of metamorphosis and celebrate those who have made it or are about to embark on it. The design featured a golden cage atop a strange structure, representing the internal and external forces that prevent people from reaching their potential. The structure also included a pair of wings that suggest flight but are not exactly the pure form of a butterfly, leaving room for ambiguity and interpretation. The wings provided shady gathering spaces for social comfort and lead to a grand staircase that ascends into a blue globe symbolizing the earth. The staircase is defined by two large arms that seem to be holding up the globe, with fingers that have transformed into branches with iridescent green leaves. The symbolism of the hands turning into leaves alludes to the rape of the earth by humankind, but the design encourages people to make this symbol represent the change they want to have. The blue sphere at the top of the staircase features a sculpture portraying transformation and leads to seven different rooms, each telling a story of metamorphosis. The journey to the top of the structure is long and intense, with steep stairs and a tall ship’s ladder, but the temptation of reaching the very top matches people’s spirits. At the highest point, people stand alone with the view of the Man in the cage, but a small mirrored shape inlaid in the platform reveals the shape of a human heart. Looking intensely into the heart, people can see the whole universe and realize that this is where they belong. Overall, the design of the Man Base Pavilion aimed to celebrate the journey of metamorphosis and encourage people to reflect on their own lives and the change they want to have. The symbolism of the structure and its various elements leaves room for interpretation and encourages people to make their own meaning out of the experience.

Photo credit: Renderings by John Marx and Downtown.